Welcome to Concordia Classical Academy!
Strengthening of the mind, mastery of content, and formation of character begin here.
First Baptist Church, 47 S Main St, Walton, KY 41094
Classical Christian Education
Classical Christian education seeks to cultivate wisdom and virtue in the student by feasting one's soul on the true, the good and the beautiful. Christ is the cornerstone who makes reason possible and knowledge knowable. Christian Classical education is an education grounded in piety, nurtured by rightly ordered loves and trained in the seven liberal arts. With this foundation students are equipped to know about the world around them and their relation to it and most importantly to know the God in whom all things hold together.
Cottage School
The cottage school model of homeschooling is two full days on campus each week for kindergarten through 10th grade. Classes take place on Mondays and Thursdays at First Baptist Church in Walton, KY. Instruction is given in a traditional classroom setting, allowing for positive peer interaction in an organized and focused environment. Instruction is provided during class, with assignments given in an online platform throughout the week. At home on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday, CCA families are completing their given assignments. Our teachers are gifted at what they do, and strive to serve our homeschool families well.
“Concordia Classical Academy” exists because of the sustaining power of our heavenly Father. “He is the vine, we are the branches.” (John 15:5) Apart from him, we could not exist. In 2021 we found a common need for a homeschool option which supports parents, allows all students to work together regardless of talent or challenge, holds to the rich history of classical education, and glorifies our Savior. Our goal is to partner with parents to draw children toward growth of character and mastery of subjects, teaching children to see the true, good, and beautiful in their studies and the world around them.